
Nutrient Mother Baby
Vitamin A This is a powerful antioxidant For production of hormones for lactation and good immunity For maintaining healthy mucous membranes
B Vitamins This is needed in increased amounts B1 for energy production, B6 for protein metabolism, folate to make DNA and with B12 to make red blood cells B1 for energy production
Vitamin E This is a powerful antioxidant Speeds up wound healing, increases skin suppleness, may strengthen uterine muscles For development of nervous system and heart
Other Vitamins K is developed naturally in the gut but not in baby’s so may given orally at birth C for iron absorption, hormone production and resistance to infection. K for blood clotting K for blood clotting
Calcium Fetus takes up at a rate of 350mg a day For prevention of preeclampsia and raised BP; (with vitamin D to ease labor pains) For development of bones and teeth
Zinc Boys take five times as much zinc as girls; deficiency is linked to undescended testicles For hormonal balance; may help prevent stretch marks For development and growth of reproductive system
Other minerals Iron intake must be kept high because it takes 6 weeks to build up supplies Iron for manufacture of red blood cells (vitamins C, B6, B12 and folate improve absorption) Selenium for brain development, phosphorus for bone development




Julle weet, ek het Saterdag gras gesny en daarna het ek maar met die gebruiklike yskoue bier sit en ontspan.
Die dag was rerig aangenaam en die koue bier het my gedagtes aan die gang gesit oor verskeie onderwerpe.

Uiteindelik het ek weer by die ou, ou vraag uitgekom:
Is geboorte gee pynliker as om in die klinkers geskop te word?

Vroumense loop altyd te vertel dat geboorte gee baie pynliker is as om in die klinkers geskop te word.
Wel, terwyl ek die koue bier so sit en geniet het dit my brein ernstig aan die dink gesit en ek het uiteindelik op ‘n antwoord tot die vraag gekom.
Om in die eiers geskop te word is baie pynliker as om geboorte te gee, baie beslis, en hier is die rede vir my stelling:

‘n Jaar of so na geboorte sal jy dikwels ‘n vrou hoor se: “Dit kan dalk lekker wees om nog ‘n kind te hê”
Aan die ander kant sal jy nooit ‘n man hoor se: “Hel, dit sal nogal lekker wees om nou weer bietjie in die eiers geskop te word!”



Zechariah 4 v 6 says “it is not by force nor by strength, but my My Spirit”


I’m utterly convinced that the key to lifelong success is the regular exercise of a single emotional muscle: gratitude.

People who approach life with a sense of gratitude are constantly aware of what’s wonderful in their life. Because they enjoy the fruits of their successes, they seek out more success. And when things don’t go as planned, people who are grateful can put failure into perspective.

By contrast, people who lack gratitude are never truly happy. If they succeed at a task, they don’t enjoy it. For them, a string of successes is like trying to fill a bucket with a huge leak in the bottom. And failure invariably makes them bitter, angry, and discouraged.

Therefore, if you want to be successful, you need to feel more gratitude. Fortunately, gratitude, like most emotions, is like a muscle: The more you use it, the stronger and more resilient it becomes.

Practice Nightly

The best time to exercise gratitude is just before bed. Take out your tablet (electronic or otherwise) and record the events of the day that created positive emotions, either in you or in those around you.

Did you help somebody solve a problem? Write it down. Did you connect with a colleague or friend? Write it down. Did you make somebody smile? Write it down.

What you’re doing is “programming your brain” to view your day more positively. You’re throwing mental focus on what worked well, and shrugging off what didn’t. As a result, you’ll sleep better, and you’ll wake up more refreshed.

Reprogramming Your Brain

More important, you’re also programming your brain to notice even more reasons to feel gratitude. You’ll quickly discover that even a “bad day” is full of moments that are worthy of gratitude. Success becomes sweeter; failure, less sour.

The more regularly you practice this exercise, the stronger its effects.

Over time, your “gratitude muscle” will become so strong that you’ll attract more success into your life, not to mention greater numbers of successful (i.e., grateful) people. You’ll also find yourself thanking people more often. That’s good for you and for them, too.

This method works. If you don’t believe me, try it for at least a week. You’ll be amazed at what a huge difference it makes


Liefste Ma!

Hier waar ek nou so warm en snoesig

le en wag vir 9maande om verby te

gaan, wonder ek of dit regtig lekkerder

kan wees daar buite waar jy is. Ma ek

… groei elke dag-jy moet dit net sien! Van

my haartjies tot my groottoon! Ma

wonder seker hoe gaan ek lyk? Ek weet

self nie. Alles lyk vir my maar baie

deurmekaar hier.

Mammie, ek wil net se dankie, dat jy my

in jou besige lewe beplan het. Ek sal

alles vir jou die moeite werd maak!

Daar sal dae kom wat ma my nie sal

verstaan nie, maar ek sal weer opmaak


Wat se Pappa? Gee hy nie om om my

met Mamma te deel nie? Ma, hier waar

ek nou le is die spasie maar min, ek

sukkel om my bene uit te rek, om om te

rol, my tone te suig, en jou aandag te

trek – glo my – ek is net gelukkig hier

binne. Ma ek is deur God aan jou

verbind met ‘n naelstring. Hoe

wonderlik! Alle voedsel wat jy inneem

word met my gedeel. Dankie dat ma so

gesond eet, so baie melk en

vitamienpille drink om van my die

gesondste, sterkste en soetste baba te


Ek is jammer ek het Ma se mooi figuur

belemmer. Se vir pa ek sal sorg dat ma

gou weer kurwes het. Ma, pas ma

mooi op in hierdie tydjie. Al is ek broos

en tingerig, sal ek aan Ma klou – al gaan

ons deur die ergste storm.

Vir oulaas Ma, stuur asb vir Pa groete

en se ek is baie lief vir hom. Hy is my

held, jy is my konigin. Ma moet

geduldig vir my wag en wanneer ek een

van die dae my verskyning maak, moet

jy my nie verwerp nie. Want so klein

soos wat ek is, moet jy my net soen en

druk en vir my lief wees! Jy sal sien, ek

is ‘n beter vryer as Pa! Ma dankie dat jy

my vir Jesus gaan groot maak.

Baie liefde

Ek jou Baba

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